
Create Decisions

Primarily, we are going to deal with two factors 1) Facts and 2) Decisions across this tool.


Its an entity or attribute helps to build your business decisions. It supports four data types such as number, string, array and object - inline with json rules engine.


It is actually business rule conditions which contains the possible facts values and associated outcome type. You can define any number of business decision outcomes under single rule file.


Its good practise to separate your business rules into different files based on the use cases.

Lets see the step by step process starting from creating facts to generating the ruleset file.

Step1: Create new ruleset file

  1. Launch json rule editor or install locally via git clone
  2. Click Create button (Note: Upload functioanlity is explained in next section)

    create new rule

Step2: Specify rule name

  1. Specify rule name and click Create button

    rule name

Step3: Add new fact

  1. Click Create Facts button at information message panel

    rule name

  2. Give fact name and data type such as string, number or array

    rule name

  3. Add as many as fact you need to build your decisions

    rule name

Step4: Add new decisions

Go to Decisions tab

  1. Click Create Decision button at information message panel

    rule name

  2. Select all / any in “Step 1: Add Toplevel”

    rule name

  3. Select Add facts menu in “Step 2: Add / Remove facts”

  4. Select the fact, operator and value

    rule name

  5. Add necessary facts and you will see something as below

    rule name

  6. Select the Add Outcome in “Step 3: Add outcome”“ and specify the type value.

    rule name

  7. Click Add Rulecase button.

    rule name

Step5: Validate decisions

Go to Validate tab

  1. Specify the values against facts
  2. Click Validate Ruleset button

    rule name

Note: Please keep in mind when adding facts and value

Incase expected values are not getting displayed, go to Decisions tab and cross check the values. Values are case sensitive and perform strict equality comparison ( === ).

Step5: Generate rule sheet

Go to Generate tab

  1. Click generate button if all required decisions are added.

    rule name


Json rule file will be generated at your default browser download folder.

Next section - Implementation of Json rules in application

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