
Implementation of Json rules in application

Step1: Install json-rules-engine

  1. Install json-rules-engine from npm

    npm install json-rules-engine

Step2: Place the json rule file

  1. Place the generated rule file (as generated in previous section) in your src/ directory

for ex: src/rules/Employee-Salary.json

Step3: Pass json rule and input into json-rules-engine library

  1. Import json rules engine
  2. Import json rule file
  3. Pass the decisions property of json rule and input parameters into Json rule engine as mentioned below

for ex:

lets create the file called rule-validation.js under src/validation/

import { Engine } from 'json-rules-engine';

// employeesalary is the json rule generated from rule editor

import employeesalary from '../rules/Employee-Salary.json';

const processEngine = (inputs, decisions) => {

  // Pass the decisions into Engine constructor
  const engine = new Engine(decisions);

 // Pass the inputs here
  return engine.run(inputs)
    .then(results => {
      return results.events

// Creating input parameter
const inputs = { designation: 'Manager', experience: 14 };

// Pass the decisions property from employeesalary rule object
processEngine(inputs, employeesalary.decisions);


Please refer the json rules engine site to understand the features and advanced concepts.

Next section - Manage existing rule

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